'Catch the Bouquet'


Sweet, short and simple wedding dress perfect for an afternoon or beach wedding. V-neck top and ribbed waist gives this dress an elegant and sophisticated look. Dress can be lengthened to shin/tea length if desired.

Be sure to check out the photos to get up close to her amazing details! We do have larger photos of all of our gowns available, please contact Bella via the 'Contact Us' page and we'll send them to you.

Neckline: Wide Straps/V Neckline
Waist/Silhouette: Cocktail
Train Length: NA
Fabrics: Satin (Fully lined)
Sleeve length: NA
Hem line: Knee length (can be lengthened at customer request)

Well, that part is easy.
1). Simply purchase the dress that you love and make payment through our secure checkout.
2). You will receive an email from Bella with a detailed list of body measurements you will need to supply. Take the measurements and check them carefully - the better the measurements, the better the fit of the finished article!
3). Relax while Bella and the seamstress prepare the dress to your exact measurements. Depending on the level of detail on the dress, this will take between 8 and 12 weeks. Bella is available at all times via email and will be in touch during the process to let you know how your dress is coming along!
4). Your dress will be posted to you as a registered and insured parcel to ensure maximum safety for your dress.
5). She's in your arms. You're very own custom-made dream dress at just a fraction of the price of bridal salons and department stores!

And that's exactly how easy it is to get your dream dress from www.catchthebouquet.com.au!

Item #BM0901
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